Saturday, February 20, 2010

Home is where the heart is...

A nice man I interviewed asked me if I would ever stay in Evanston. The answer is a definite no. I mean Evanston is a nice city and definitely more environmentally conscious than my hometown Pasadena. But, it's not home.

My little white house with blue borders is not a block away--waiting for me with its big amazon trees and yellow grass. I can't open the door with my "special" key, and find my mom switching back and forth from her Brazilian telenovelas (soap operas) and the Central America news channel. Nor can I see my dad sitting in his one-of-a-kind chair, watching the lakers shoot some three point shots or reruns of two and a half men.

I'm a family girl. I've always had a bestfriend relationship with my parents. Even when we've had our disagreements, we've quickly made up and moved on. It's what we the Luna family do. So I need to be close to my parents, whether talking to them on the phone or hanging out with them. I know some people my age don't feel the need be constantly with their parents, but I do. I'm that kid that webcams with her parents about how ther week went on a weekly basis.

But, I love it here. I continue to have conversations with my classmates, interviewees, etc, that open my eyes to new things--things I'd never thought about before.

Some have commented on my quietness/observative nature. It's been something I've been known for. I think being picked by bullies in middle school forced me to be aware of the small details. To pay attention to the tell-bits that might say I'm ok on the surface, but the subtext says I need someone to listen.

I remember a particular day that will always be engraved in my mind. It was during recess, and we'd just finished eating our snacks, my role as a kicking bag began. And with that came all the taunting names children say.

But, that day was different. The voice of my guardian or so I called the young man who came to my rescue like some knight right out of a fairytale. I remember feeling at that moment that someone there finally took the time to look deeper. I will always remember that man, even when his face fades through time, his kindness will always be a driving force for me to always pay attention to the needs of those who get over looked.

So if I can pay the kindness forward by giving a compliment, a smile, or help to someone else than I've lived a good life.


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Jennifer Luna is a Medill graduate journalism student at Northwestern University. She is currently the alternative medicine reporter for the Medill News Service Chicago. Here you'll find samples of her professional work, as well as more casual pieces


